
::Of the thunderstorm now::and of the past::

Well. It's raining here. It's bascially passed over. To let you know, It's 8:17 right now. But I was sitting here thinking about what I should post when I realized it was raining pretty hard.
Hmm. What should I post, again?
 That decision became easier as I leapt up and sped out to our living room and grabbed my beloved. (eg. my camera.)
I went to the window and got a few pics. Not satisfied, I went out to the front porch and captured a few.
I must be a very picky person- because I decided to be more daring and go out in the rain, with my camera (grant it, I did kinda cover it up with my hand.) to the sidewalk, and take a few more pics, all the while thinking, "Why am I doing this?"
Because I'm crazy, that's why.

 Those pictures above are pretty much self-explanatory.
Our little road beside us typically floods when it rains hard, then like a flash, it is gone.
But what about this one? My mom took these with her phone- I wasn't home-(we couldn't come home- we were with granparents and couldn't come home until the next day because we really couldn't get there!!)
This road was so flooded! Our whole city basically was. Especially downtown. One lady died. She got out of her car to try to push her car out and one of the drainage ditches wasn't properly covered. It was so sad. The family sued the city. I'm sure they got a hefty sum.

Well, we've been getting a lot of rain these past few days. Hopefully it stops soon. Although with all the rain it's been staying cool which helps with no AC. And if there's one more thing it did provide,
A Blog Post.

<3 ashlyn

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Hey Ashlyn! Oh dear! That is so sad about the lady! May God be with her family!!! I haven't forgotten about you, don't worry! It is so busy, and we are heading out for Kansas next Tuesday! I'll send you an e-mail ASAP to explain everything and maybe get you a poem or something to post :) Love you!